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New Year's Resolutions are hard to keep, so ditch them! Check out our suggestions on where to do just that in Findlay. • VisitFindlay.comNew Year’s Resolutions are hard.  And even though we don’t think you should dump all your resolutions, especially the ones we suggested, we do have some suggestions on some fun ways to ditch your resolutions!

Enjoy Sweet Treats

If your New Year’s Resolution was to cut back on the sweets, we think you are crazy.  Of course, you can consume in moderation but make sure you enjoy the sweet treats to be found in Findlay and Hancock County!  Dietsch Brothers Fine Chocolates and Ice Cream is a great place to start with the best Ohio-made candy to be found and all your favorite ice cream flavors.  Shirley’s Popcorn is always a great go-to, especially their newest flavor which is original to Findlay, Flag City Crunch!  Pies from Kathy’s Korner, dumplings from Brinkman’s and lots of cookies sound like a great reason to abandon your no-sweets resolution.

Nosh on your Favorite Food

Findlay and Hancock County are home to many, many great food options.  We have plenty of great restaurants that we think you should visit, but we also have you covered if you’re looking for something specific.  Check out our suggestions on some of the best places to get a burger, pizza, french fries, and tacos!

New Year's Resolutions are hard to keep, so ditch them! Check out our suggestions on where to do just that in Findlay. •

From Alexandria’s to The Bourbon Affair and more, there are plenty of places to order a few beers and enjoy time with friends!

Indulge on Libations

We always suggest your drink responsibly, but if you decide to indulge on an alcoholic beverage or two we have some great suggestions for you to check out.  Alexandria’s, Logan’s, and The Gathering are all great place to gather with friends and enjoy a beer or two, while Bistro on Main, Rossilli’s, and The Bourbon Affair are the perfect choice for cocktails.  Oler’s is clutch for margarita night (any night) and that just scratches the surface of the great bars in Findlay and Hancock County.  If you want to enjoy your drinks at home, fill up your growler at Findlay Brewing Company on Fridays and Saturdays or at the Great Scot on Broad Avenue with your favorite craft beer!

Now that you ditched your first resolutions, it is time to make new ones.  We already gave some suggestions, but we also think you should resolve to be a tourist in Findlay.  Plan on attending more events in 2017, eat at more local restaurants, and visit more Findlay attractions!

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