What better place to spend Flag Day than the Flag City? Learn how Flag City got its name and the best ways to celebrate the holiday in Findlay!

Marathon Petroleum Company, headquartered in Findlay, created a mural located on storage tank and located along I-75 to celebrate the distinction.
Why Flag City?
The road to Findlay becoming designated Flag City, USA began in 1968 when John B. Cooke moved to Findlay. As a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, Cooke believed in the value of flying the American flag and went door-to-door in town asking residents and businesses alike to fly a flag on Flag Day, June 14, 1968. Cooke created a fund and purchased 14,000 small flags for the community. This project continued until 1974, when the Women’s Division of the Chamber of Commerce started a campaign to, once again, have flags fly and to have the city of Findlay become officially known as Flag City USA. On May 7, the House of Representatives passed a resolution officially declaring Findlay Flag City, USA. Today, you may see a flag display in the Hancock Historical Museum, see the Flag City monument welcoming visitors to our town at I-75 and US 224, pass under the Flag City, USA distinction while driving on I-75 and pass by the mural on a Marathon Petroleum storage tank.
How to celebrate Flag Day in Flag City

Spend Flag Day in Flag City U.S.A.! Tour the courthouse or take part in the Downtown Findlay Scavenger Hunt!
Spend it in Downtown Findlay
Downtown Retailers invite you to celebrate Flag Day in Downtown Flag City with a scavenger hunt! The scavenger hunt is free for all and each participant who completes the hunt will receive a $5 Downtown Findlay gift certificate courtesy of Visit Findlay and Downtown Findlay, and will also be entered into a drawing for a gift basket with items from many of the participating businesses. The Scavenger Hunt clues can be picked up on June 14 at any of the participating businesses, the Visit Findlay Welcome Center, or will be available to download from the website and on Facebook on June 14. Make sure to complete the hunt by 8 p.m. by turning in the completed form to any of the participating businesses. See more details here!
Visit the Hancock County Historical Museum
Learn about Flag City’s history while having fun at the Hancock Historical Museum. With displays that are sure to awe all ages, the Historical Museum is a great place to spend Flag Day. Spend time learning about the civic leaders who called Hancock County home, the roles of different branches of government, and civic responsibility at the Michael G. Oxley Government Center. Or learn about the role Hancock County and the region played in the Underground Railroad. And, fittingly for Flag Day, see the restored Civil War Flags and examples of flags of days gone by, like the flag from 1812 as well! HancockHistoricalMuseum.org
Tour the Courthouse with John Hancock
Tours are available at the Hancock County Courthouse daily during the week, but call ahead and schedule your tour with a special guide – John Hancock! Tom Davis John Hancock will show you around the courthouse and learn more about the history of the building and Flag City. Call 419-424-7008 to schedule your tour during the week! Watch this video to see a sneak peek of our courthouse!
Make plans for the Fourth of July
Use one patriotic holiday to celebrate the next, make your Fourth of July plans now. Flag City is full of Independence Day fun. Kick off the holiday on July 3rd with live music, food vendors, and fun for the whole family with fireworks at 10 p.m. The next morning make your way to Downtown Findlay for the Fourth of July Parade. It will begin at the intersection of Baldwin and Main and head North, ending at the Veterans Memorial. Following the parade head to the Historical Museum for an Ice Cream Social on the front porch of the Hull house. After you’ve spent the day celebrating America’s independence, pack a picnic dinner and enjoy it at Riverside Park for a concert by Buddy Love & the Coconuts as part of Hancock Park’s Riverside Summer Concert Series.
See all the events taking place in Flag City by checking out our event calendar and have a great Flag Day!