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Garlic Mustard Pull

Blue Rock Nature Preserve 412 Edgar Ave., Findlay, OH

Our parks are under attack by many invasive plants, such as garlic mustard. Help Hancock Park District remove garlic mustard so that native plants can grow. We will discuss garlic mustard and other invasive plants and why they are harmful to the environment. As we remove invasive plants, trash will be collected and then disposed […]


Dinosaur and Me Day Hike

Blue Rock Nature Preserve 412 Edgar Ave., Findlay, OH

Children can take their favorite dinosaur on a hike along the .3-mile Lady Bug Loop Trail. The trail is level. It begins with an asphalt surface that leads to a stone surface. Bring a camera so that photographs can be taken of children and their dinosaurs sitting on a log, standing by a tree, or […]


Under a Log Hike

Riverbend Recreation Area 9250 TR 208, Findlay, OH, United States

Life can be found under a log. Join Hancock Park District as we search for creatures that live under logs. We will discuss the type of animals we are looking for, why they live under logs, and how fallen trees and branches benefit the forest. Afterward, we will hike the trails, find logs, and flip […]


Van Buren State Park Haiku Trail – Haiku Contest: Deadline

Findlay-Hancock County Public Library 206 Broadway, Findlay-Hancock Co Public LIbrary, OH, United States +1 more

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources and Ohio State Parks in conjunction with the Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation, is sponsoring the permanent installation of a haiku trail at Van Buren State Park in Van Buren, Ohio! Selected poems will be installed along this trail. Submissions are open to anyone and we invite both published and […]

Arlington Spring Shoptacular

Arlington Spring Shoptacular

Arlington Village Park Park St., Arlington, OH, United States

Arlington Beautification Committee invites you to celebrate Spring at the Spring Shoptacular! Held at Arlington Village Park there will be vendors, crafters, and food trucks.  The Spring Shoptacular coincides with the Community Garage Sales held around town and the surrounding area. See the list of vendors here.


George Braque Watercolor Painting Class

Findlay Art League 117 W. Crawford St., Findlay, OH, United States

Paint an impressionistic rendition of a shipyard using watercolors, in the style of George Braque. All skill levels welcome to this watercolor painting class, led by Findlay Art League member […]


Night Sky Observations

Oakwoods Nature Preserve

The night sky holds many discoveries and amazing sights to behold. Join Hancock Park District for an evening of sky gazing and observations as we look at the May night sky. We will meet in the Discovery Center and then venture outside to see constellations and celestial bodies. With weather permitting, we might be able […]
