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Winter Insect Hike

Litzenberg Memorial Woods 6100 U. S. 224 West, Findlay, OH, United States

You might be surprised by the number of insects that can be found on a winter day. Join Hancock Park District as we go hiking in search of insects, like […]


Working with Wool: Open House

Litzenberg Memorial Woods 6100 U. S. 224 West, Findlay, OH, United States

Learn about wool and how it was used to create clothing in the 1800s, how fleece of a sheep is spun into useable yarn, and how a spinning wheel works. […]


Little Hands Nature Club: Winter Exploration Hike

Litzenberg Memorial Woods 6100 U. S. 224 West, Findlay, OH, United States

During this hike, we will explore the outdoors by looking at coniferous trees and feeling their prickly needles, looking for animal tracks and deciding if they are from a raccoon, rabbit, or squirrel, and looking for icicles and skunk cabbage. This program will take place outside, so please dress accordingly. Meet at the Gatehouse.  This […]
