There is something about exploring Findlay that I absolutely love. I’ve done it in so many different ways, including festivals and raucous nights out, that it’s almost laughable to pick just one perfect day.
But when I sat down to write this, I found myself dreaming of those simple days. Those days when I didn’t have much to do and I could enjoy those simple pleasures Findlay has to offer.
And that’s where my perfect day starts…
A Cup of Coffee
Findlay is spoiled with some fantastic coffee shops. I could go to any of them and be absolutely happy with my choice. I like to get a bit of work done with my coffee though, and that’s why you’ll sometimes find me starting the day at Coffee Amici. A vanilla latte with almond milk is my order. I regularly see people I know here, and there’s always a bit of gossip to be shared. And that may just be what keeps me coming back.
A Walk
There is nothing I love more than a great walk, and luckily, Findlay has many of those. Three of those are my absolute favorites.
At the Findlay Reservoir, I find myself constantly stopping to feel the wind on my face, to watch the waves crash against the rocks and to see the dazzling light of the sun reflected off of the water. This is my favorite place to just be, so if I’m feeling particularly discombobulated, I come here.
If I feel the need to let my mind roam though, I go to the Bridle Trail at the Riverbend Recreation Area. It doesn’t matter the season. A bit of magic lies along this trail all year long. I refer to it as my own personal fairyland because of that. When fall comes, I tell friends that I need to go see how the fairies painted the trees this year. Yes, it’s a bit odd to be almost forty and talking about meeting up with the fairies. But if you’ve been on this trail, you’ve likely encountered the magic of the place and have your own names for it.
My other favorite walk is down Main Street to see the historic homes. In many ways, you feel like you’ve fallen down a rabbit hole into another time when you take this walk. And when the owners wave hello with a smile, you are almost sure you have.
The best part about spending a perfect day in Findlay is that you can take a trip around the world at the local restaurants. So when I contemplate lunch, I always think, “What country do I want to eat in today?”
I usually feel a certain pull towards Stix. The fries… Oh man, the fries. I have written sonnets to those fries. I have asked those fries to marry me. They have yet to answer. But someday…
And there’s just something about those burrito bowls to me. The bright colors of those fresh ingredients just jump off your plate. You feel like you’re eating a work of art, and in many ways, you are.
An Afternoon of Shopping
If you asked me what the best part of shopping in Findlay’s local stores, I could name off all of the unique items I have bought. And I have bought a lot of unique items. But that’s not what I love best about shopping in Findlay.
It’s by far the shop owners themselves. I have been known to lose many an hour talking to Jody Combs of RooBarb Studios about everything and nothing. And she can always steer me towards finding the perfect thing I didn’t know I truly needed every time I walk in.
And then there is Jane of Smarty Pants. I don’t have any kids of my own, but I do have an adorable great nephew. As Jane gushes about how much she loves playing with the kids in her store and how much she loves our community, she also is a wizard at helping me find the latest and greatest way to spoil that great nephew.
I have example after example of just wonderful business owners in Findlay, and that’s why it always just warms my heart to be able to spend time in their shops.
Dinner with Friends
If you’ve spent time on our Facebook page, you’re probably extremely familiar with Julie Brown’s love for Oler’s. It truly knows no bounds.
So my perfect day ends with her, a few other friends and an Oler’s margarita. The walls of that place have heard our laughter ring out many times, and it’s just my favorite kind of night. We solve the world’s problems. We chart new projects. Or we’re just downright silly thanks to maybe one too many of the margaritas (but really, is there such a thing as that?). It’s classic Findlay in every sense of the term, and I constantly think fondly of those nights I’ve been lucky enough to be at Oler’s.
A Scoop or Two
But can you really say you’ve had a perfect Findlay day if you don’t make a stop at Dietsch’s?
Sometimes it’s a scoop of the chocolate peanut butter ice cream. Sometimes it’s the chocolate-covered pretzels. Sometimes the peanut butter meltaways. And okay, maybe sometimes it’s all three.
With smiling faces behind the counters always making you feel like you belong here, I feel happy to indulge my inner five year old and let her have every treat her little heart desires. Because you just can’t help being a kid at Dietsch’s.
Now, what is your perfect Findlay day?