I grew up in a small town of 1600 people southwest of Columbus. It was a great place grow up and I love being from there. When I became a marital transplant to Findlay and Hancock County, I remember thinking how I wasn’t going to be able to drive here. The county roads have numbers and letter and aren’t named and there are so many streets and one ways that I don’t know. My husband who is a native said I would learn no problem. Well, he was right. I joined a church, we bought a house, I started a career in Findlay and this became home to us in 1995. Honestly, I feel like I’ve lived here my whole life. Recently I was thinking about all the things I love about where I live and wanted to share so hopefully you can discover (or rediscover) them. Even if you’ve lived here your whole life there is always something new to discover!
The way we protect, support and uplift our veterans. The support surrounding Flag City Honor Flight and social services like Hancock County Veterans Service Office is wonderful.
Our schools systems. Whether you want a big school or small school, we have something for everyone and they are really good schools. It’s true. You can look it up!
The Jolly Dipper and Archie’s. Because sometimes you need a Coney dog and milkshake and want to get it through the drive through because you don’t look your best.
Local theater and music. We have so many wonderful and talented musicians and thespians in our community who love to share their gift. Don’t tell James Adkins, but he’s one of my favorites!
Marathon Center for the Performing Arts. I’m willing to travel for concerts or stage shows but it sure is nice if I don’t have to. Musicals, live music performances, kids shows, Christmas shows, ballet, you name it I’ve seen it and I will continue to see it time and time again. You should see it all too!
A big town with a small town feel. That’s my best description of Findlay. I know people and they know me. We call each other by name. We build trust and relationships and I just really like that.
Local shops and restaurants. I used to have a job where I traveled all over the United States. When I got to the hotel I always asked for local restaurant recommendations because I want to experience something I can’t eat at home. I’m so grateful Findlay has so many local restaurants that visitors have such a long list to choose from! So many great choices with any type of food that makes your tummy happy.
I love that we have so many cute shops and we keep getting more. I like to shop local and get items that not everyone will have. We are getting more men’s apparel stores so that is definitely a good thing and I love the vintage shops too.
We are a giving community. We support non profits and give of our money and our time to help those who need it and to make our community better and that says everything right there. We’re like a warm blanket on a cold night. Need a couple ways to support local and give back? Check out Giving Tuesday promos here!
Dietsch Brothers Fine Chocolates & Ice Cream. That goes without saying. One of our favorite things to do is to get Dietsch’s and go for a drive.
Cruise Night. I love cars. My dad was a mechanic and I paid attention to cars. I love that our community supports the fact that cars are cool and we need to appreciate and respect the past in order to make the future better.
The houses on South Main Street. I love the fact that people buy them and work to keep them up. That can’t be easy. So from those of us that drive up and down South Main Street – Thank you.

Thank you historic South Main home owners for doing so much work to make my drive special every day!
Our parks. We have wonderful parks and nature areas and our naturalists are eager to educate and share their experiences. Where you want to learn about bats (no thank you), go down a large slide, swing fish, host a family get together, swim, walk, or bike. You can do it here and feel safe.
Our leaders are always trying to better our community and listen. I enjoy the fact that I can tell our Mayor I have an idea and she sets up a meeting to discuss my idea.
I would love to know what you love about Findlay and Hancock County. It’s a great place to live, work and play and I’m not just saying that because they’re paying me to because they’re not paying me! I really to believe this is a great place to start your career, raise a family and retire.