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Trends on Main, 624 South Main Street, Findlay

The Gift


Who to Give This Gift to

Teenage Girl


I have a teenage niece. If you have ever had to buy for a teenage girl, you know that it’s a bear. I search and search and am lucky to get an, “Eh, that’s okay, I guess,” out of her. She has her own style that I just don’t understand. Yes, I have become old. But instead of trying to grapple with my inability to connect with the younger generation, I hopped into Trends on Main instead. From sparkly bracelets to zebra print headbands, they have those little items that take me back to when I was a giggly teenage girl. You can give that hard-to-buy-for girl in your life that extra little something that will make them stand out from the crowd. But not the bad kind of stand out. The kind of stand out that makes all of her friends jealous. And then you can be like me, the aunt that maybe still knows a thing or two about what will make my giggly little girl smile. Just nobody tell her that I called her a little girl.

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