Blogger Pat Bauman is taking you through the history of Findlay’s glass industry. Read her previous blog posts here.
The Model Flint Glass Company was the fourth tableware factory to locate in Findlay on the east side of Bolton Street between Prentiss and Lester Avenue. Agreements were signed with a Findlay land syndicate in 1888, for a factory site and supply of Fuel.
This was a new company composed of Findlay people and money. Anderson C. Heck, a prominent Findlay businessman was president of the company. Frank Bigelow and William and Elmer Stephenson were several of the stockholders and directors. Local architects, Kramer & Zoll drew up plans for the factory building.
The first glass was turned out six months later. Operations ran smoothly with very few labors disputes. But, the factory was damaged seriously by 3 separate tornados. The first one struck the factory the end of December 1888 and the damage was barely repaired when the factory was again damaged by a windstorm the second week of January 1889. The third windstorm happened in May 1893.
Glass manufacturing ceased at this plan July 3, 1893 and all of the equipment was shipped to the new factory in Indiana.
Want to learn more about the glass industry in Findlay and Hancock County? See Pat’s previous blog about the Columbia Gas Company here and the Hancock Historical Museum’s glass information online.